RENARD T. and K. REKAWEK (2024) The Base, and the Basis for Listing Far-Right Terror Groups, ICCT Analysis, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 26 July.
RENARD T. and J. COOK (2023) 'Is the Israel-Hamas War Spilling Over Into Europe?', Lawfare, 5 December.
RENARD T. (2023) ‘Everyone is struggling to identify how to best respond to extremism’, Interview with Pascal Messer, TMC Asser Institute, 22 August.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Deconstructing Counterterrorism: What Has Worked and What More Needs To Be Done', European Eye on Radicalization (EER), 31 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2022) What the Zeitgeist can Tell us About the Future of Terrorism, ICCT Perspective, The Hague: ICCT, 9 June.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Il ne faut pas fusionner mais renforcer les renseignements', Le Soir, 2 June.
RENARD T. (2021) The caliphate’s legacy and fringe extremists, Commentary, ICCT, 18 February.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Sur le rapatriement des enfants et des combattants belges en Syrie', Texte lu à la conférence de presse du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), Bruxelles, 3 July.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The Emergence of Cyber Diplomacy in an Increasingly Post-Liberal Cyberspace, Net Politics (CFR), 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The EU’s international politics of cyberspace in an emerging post-liberal order, Europe's World, 10 June.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020). 'Faire juger nos djihadistes en Syrie : la fausse bonne idée', Le Soir, 26 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Belgische IS-strijders voor Koerdische rechtbanken: een oplossing die er geen is', De Morgen, 25 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Homeland Security Today, 11 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2019). Zijn we de greep op terugkeerders kwijt?, De Standaard, 18 October.
RENARD T. (2019). 'Belgische Syriëstrijders berechten we best in België zelf', Knack, 6 March.
RENARD T. (2019). Quelle justice pour les djihadistes belges?, Le Vif, 4 March.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Les services secrets sortent (enfin) de l’ombre, L'Echo, 30 November.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018). Stille revolutie bij de Staatsveiligheid, De Standaard, 30 November.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Ce que l’attentat contre Léopold II nous enseigne sur le terrorisme moderne, Le Soir, 12 November.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018). The Homecoming of Foreign Fighters in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium: Policies and Challenges, ICCT, 11 April.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Reassessing Belgium’s 'Failed' Counterterrorism Policy, Lawfare, 22 March.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). How Belgium overcame the threat from returning foreign terrorist fighters, RUSI, 22 March.
RENARD T. (2017). Attentats: Une menace djihadiste en mutation?, Le Vif, 23 June.
RENARD T. (2017). The Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017: Europe, The Strategist, 6 April.
RENARD T. (2017). Brussels Attacks One Year On: More Still Needs to Be Done, RUSI, 13 March.
RENARD T. (2016). Le Terrorisme est-il contagieux?, Le Soir, 9 August, p. 24.
RENARD T. (2016). Comprendre la vague de terreur actuelle, Le Vif, 5 August, pp. 34-35.
RENARD T. (2016). After Paris and Brussels: reassessing ISIS’s strategy in Europe, The Strategist, 8 April.
RENARD T. (2016). Why Belgium is not Europe’s jihadi base, Politico Europe, 31 March.
RENARD T. (2015). After Paris: five questions on (counter-)terrorism in Europe, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 4 December.
RENARD T. (2015). Terror alert in Europe: A comprehensive response to a comprehended threat, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 23 November.
RENARD T. (2015). Aggressive, Assertive and Approximative: how Russia, China and Europe adapt to the changing global order, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 10 November.
RENARD T. (2015). What Putin wants (in Syria), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 22 October.
RENARD T. (2015). US-China cybersecurity agreement: a good case of cyber diplomacy, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 30 September.
RENARD T. (2015). An eventful summer (Syria and the teething of Europe), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 4 September.
RENARD T. (2015). Strategic partnerships: A new toolkit for business and statecraft, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 24 July
RENARD T. (2015). BRICS: An alternative order in construction (Summit takeaways), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 14 July.
RENARD T. (2015). Quel Waterloo au 21ème siècle, Le Soir, 17 June.
RENARD T. (2015). A 21st century Waterloo? Lessons and parallels between now and then, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 17 June.
RENARD T. (2015). The EU’s strategic partnership agreements: balancing geo-economics and geopolitics, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 8 June.
RENARD T. (2015). Brexit: How Europe is becoming ever smaller…, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 21 May.
RENARD T. (2015). To join or not to join: The AIIB and the EU’s dilemma, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 8 April.
RENARD T. (2015). In the (EU) Army now, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 18 March.
RENARD T. (2015). Ukraine, another 'Iraq moment', Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 18 February.
RENARD T., GREVI G. (2014). Troubleshooting partnerships for troubled times, EUObserver, 10 November.
RENARD T. (2014). Evitons de renforcer l'axe Moscou-Pékin, La Libre Belgique, 28 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Sanctioning Russia through energy? Think twice, European Geostrategy, 27 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Le 'je t'aime, moi non plus' entre Américains et Européens, L'Echo, 21 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Poetin wakkert onbedoeld het trans-Atlantische bondgenootschap tegen hem aan, De Morgen (online), 21 March.
RENARD T. (2014). We moeten ons allemaal Oekraïners tonen, De Tijd, 28 February.
RENARD T. (2014). Nous sommes tous Ukrainiens, La Libre Belgique, 22 February.
RENARD T. (2013). Q&A on EU-China relations, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), 19 April.
RENARD T. (2012). A strategic union to cope with the multipolar challenge. E!Sharp, 5 June.
RENARD T. (2011). La retraite stratégique de l'Union européenne. La Libre Belgique, 14 October.
RENARD T. (2011). EU foreign ministers should look to 'grand strategy', EUObserver, 30 August.
RENARD T. (2011). The Treachery of Strategies, European Geostrategy, 12 April.
EMERSON M. with BALFOUR R., CORTHAUT T., KACZYNSKI P., RENARD T., WOUTERS J. (2011). Upgrading the EU's Role as Global Actor (EN) - Faire de l'UE un véritable acteur mondial (FR), Europe Diplomatie et Défense, n°382, 25 January, pp. 2-3.
EMERSON M. with BALFOUR R., CORTHAUT T., KACZYNSKI P., RENARD T., WOUTERS J. (2011). Upgrading the EU's Role as Global Actor, CEPS Comment, 25 January.
RENARD T. 2010. "EU seeks truly strategic partners" (EN) - "L'UE en quête de partenariats réellement stratégiques" (FR), Europe Diplomatie et Défence, n°347, 16 September, p.4.
RENARD T. 2010. "Searching for a Brussels Machiavelli", EUObserver, 9 September.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2010. "The Old World's importance to the new world order", European Geostrategy, 3 July.
RENARD T. 2010. "Le Syndrome de Copenhague ou les 6 Symptômes du Nouvel Ordre Mondial", Alliance Géostratégique, 25 June.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2010. "NSS Review: Europe Given Short Shrift", New Atlanticist, 3 June.
RENARD T. 2010. "Time to end the Copenhagen Syndrome", European Geostrategy, 21 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Coping with the Copenhagen Syndrome", E!Sharp, 17 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Après Copenhague: Vers un Nouvel Ordre Multilatéral Mondial", Alliance Géostratégique, 11 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Du G2 au G20", La Libre Belgique, 10 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "From the new G20 to a new Multilateral Order", EU Observer, 12 January.
RENARD T. 2009. "Afghanistan: Strategic war for Europeans, existential conflict for NATO", European Geostrategy, 8 September.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2009. "EU's Strategic Partnerships lack content", EU Observer, 27 August.
RENARD T. STRUYE T. 2009. "Oui, l'Afghanistan est important!", La Libre Belgique, 26 June.
RENARD T. STRUYE T. 2009. "Afghanistan belangrijker dan het lijkt", De Standaard, 24 June.
RENARD T. 2009. "Les Soviétiques et l’Otan en Afghanistan : des différences qui importent", Alliance Géostratégique, 26 May.
RENARD T. 2009. "Saisir le moment multilatéral", Alliance Géostratégique, 16 March.
RENARD T. 2008. "Recrudescence du Terrorisme Algérien?", Le Soir, 22 August.
RENARD T. and J. COOK (2023) 'Is the Israel-Hamas War Spilling Over Into Europe?', Lawfare, 5 December.
RENARD T. (2023) ‘Everyone is struggling to identify how to best respond to extremism’, Interview with Pascal Messer, TMC Asser Institute, 22 August.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Deconstructing Counterterrorism: What Has Worked and What More Needs To Be Done', European Eye on Radicalization (EER), 31 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2022) What the Zeitgeist can Tell us About the Future of Terrorism, ICCT Perspective, The Hague: ICCT, 9 June.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Il ne faut pas fusionner mais renforcer les renseignements', Le Soir, 2 June.
RENARD T. (2021) The caliphate’s legacy and fringe extremists, Commentary, ICCT, 18 February.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Sur le rapatriement des enfants et des combattants belges en Syrie', Texte lu à la conférence de presse du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), Bruxelles, 3 July.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The Emergence of Cyber Diplomacy in an Increasingly Post-Liberal Cyberspace, Net Politics (CFR), 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The EU’s international politics of cyberspace in an emerging post-liberal order, Europe's World, 10 June.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020). 'Faire juger nos djihadistes en Syrie : la fausse bonne idée', Le Soir, 26 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Belgische IS-strijders voor Koerdische rechtbanken: een oplossing die er geen is', De Morgen, 25 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Homeland Security Today, 11 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2019). Zijn we de greep op terugkeerders kwijt?, De Standaard, 18 October.
RENARD T. (2019). 'Belgische Syriëstrijders berechten we best in België zelf', Knack, 6 March.
RENARD T. (2019). Quelle justice pour les djihadistes belges?, Le Vif, 4 March.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Les services secrets sortent (enfin) de l’ombre, L'Echo, 30 November.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018). Stille revolutie bij de Staatsveiligheid, De Standaard, 30 November.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Ce que l’attentat contre Léopold II nous enseigne sur le terrorisme moderne, Le Soir, 12 November.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018). The Homecoming of Foreign Fighters in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium: Policies and Challenges, ICCT, 11 April.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). Reassessing Belgium’s 'Failed' Counterterrorism Policy, Lawfare, 22 March.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). How Belgium overcame the threat from returning foreign terrorist fighters, RUSI, 22 March.
RENARD T. (2017). Attentats: Une menace djihadiste en mutation?, Le Vif, 23 June.
RENARD T. (2017). The Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017: Europe, The Strategist, 6 April.
RENARD T. (2017). Brussels Attacks One Year On: More Still Needs to Be Done, RUSI, 13 March.
RENARD T. (2016). Le Terrorisme est-il contagieux?, Le Soir, 9 August, p. 24.
RENARD T. (2016). Comprendre la vague de terreur actuelle, Le Vif, 5 August, pp. 34-35.
RENARD T. (2016). After Paris and Brussels: reassessing ISIS’s strategy in Europe, The Strategist, 8 April.
RENARD T. (2016). Why Belgium is not Europe’s jihadi base, Politico Europe, 31 March.
RENARD T. (2015). After Paris: five questions on (counter-)terrorism in Europe, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 4 December.
RENARD T. (2015). Terror alert in Europe: A comprehensive response to a comprehended threat, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 23 November.
RENARD T. (2015). Aggressive, Assertive and Approximative: how Russia, China and Europe adapt to the changing global order, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 10 November.
RENARD T. (2015). What Putin wants (in Syria), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 22 October.
RENARD T. (2015). US-China cybersecurity agreement: a good case of cyber diplomacy, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 30 September.
RENARD T. (2015). An eventful summer (Syria and the teething of Europe), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 4 September.
RENARD T. (2015). Strategic partnerships: A new toolkit for business and statecraft, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 24 July
RENARD T. (2015). BRICS: An alternative order in construction (Summit takeaways), Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 14 July.
RENARD T. (2015). Quel Waterloo au 21ème siècle, Le Soir, 17 June.
RENARD T. (2015). A 21st century Waterloo? Lessons and parallels between now and then, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 17 June.
RENARD T. (2015). The EU’s strategic partnership agreements: balancing geo-economics and geopolitics, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 8 June.
RENARD T. (2015). Brexit: How Europe is becoming ever smaller…, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 21 May.
RENARD T. (2015). To join or not to join: The AIIB and the EU’s dilemma, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 8 April.
RENARD T. (2015). In the (EU) Army now, Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 18 March.
RENARD T. (2015). Ukraine, another 'Iraq moment', Reshaping Europe (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 18 February.
RENARD T., GREVI G. (2014). Troubleshooting partnerships for troubled times, EUObserver, 10 November.
RENARD T. (2014). Evitons de renforcer l'axe Moscou-Pékin, La Libre Belgique, 28 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Sanctioning Russia through energy? Think twice, European Geostrategy, 27 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Le 'je t'aime, moi non plus' entre Américains et Européens, L'Echo, 21 March.
RENARD T. (2014). Poetin wakkert onbedoeld het trans-Atlantische bondgenootschap tegen hem aan, De Morgen (online), 21 March.
RENARD T. (2014). We moeten ons allemaal Oekraïners tonen, De Tijd, 28 February.
RENARD T. (2014). Nous sommes tous Ukrainiens, La Libre Belgique, 22 February.
RENARD T. (2013). Q&A on EU-China relations, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), 19 April.
RENARD T. (2012). A strategic union to cope with the multipolar challenge. E!Sharp, 5 June.
RENARD T. (2011). La retraite stratégique de l'Union européenne. La Libre Belgique, 14 October.
RENARD T. (2011). EU foreign ministers should look to 'grand strategy', EUObserver, 30 August.
RENARD T. (2011). The Treachery of Strategies, European Geostrategy, 12 April.
EMERSON M. with BALFOUR R., CORTHAUT T., KACZYNSKI P., RENARD T., WOUTERS J. (2011). Upgrading the EU's Role as Global Actor (EN) - Faire de l'UE un véritable acteur mondial (FR), Europe Diplomatie et Défense, n°382, 25 January, pp. 2-3.
EMERSON M. with BALFOUR R., CORTHAUT T., KACZYNSKI P., RENARD T., WOUTERS J. (2011). Upgrading the EU's Role as Global Actor, CEPS Comment, 25 January.
RENARD T. 2010. "EU seeks truly strategic partners" (EN) - "L'UE en quête de partenariats réellement stratégiques" (FR), Europe Diplomatie et Défence, n°347, 16 September, p.4.
RENARD T. 2010. "Searching for a Brussels Machiavelli", EUObserver, 9 September.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2010. "The Old World's importance to the new world order", European Geostrategy, 3 July.
RENARD T. 2010. "Le Syndrome de Copenhague ou les 6 Symptômes du Nouvel Ordre Mondial", Alliance Géostratégique, 25 June.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2010. "NSS Review: Europe Given Short Shrift", New Atlanticist, 3 June.
RENARD T. 2010. "Time to end the Copenhagen Syndrome", European Geostrategy, 21 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Coping with the Copenhagen Syndrome", E!Sharp, 17 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Après Copenhague: Vers un Nouvel Ordre Multilatéral Mondial", Alliance Géostratégique, 11 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "Du G2 au G20", La Libre Belgique, 10 March.
RENARD T. 2010. "From the new G20 to a new Multilateral Order", EU Observer, 12 January.
RENARD T. 2009. "Afghanistan: Strategic war for Europeans, existential conflict for NATO", European Geostrategy, 8 September.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. 2009. "EU's Strategic Partnerships lack content", EU Observer, 27 August.
RENARD T. STRUYE T. 2009. "Oui, l'Afghanistan est important!", La Libre Belgique, 26 June.
RENARD T. STRUYE T. 2009. "Afghanistan belangrijker dan het lijkt", De Standaard, 24 June.
RENARD T. 2009. "Les Soviétiques et l’Otan en Afghanistan : des différences qui importent", Alliance Géostratégique, 26 May.
RENARD T. 2009. "Saisir le moment multilatéral", Alliance Géostratégique, 16 March.
RENARD T. 2008. "Recrudescence du Terrorisme Algérien?", Le Soir, 22 August.