Articles & Book Chapters
MEHRA T., T. RENARD, M. HERBACH (2024), 'Management of Female Violent Extremist Offenders Through the Criminal Justice System', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
SCHMID A.P., T. RENARD, J.J.F. FOREST, I. SINGH (2023) 'A Look at the State of Research on [Counter-] Terrorism and Violent Extremism', Perspectives on Terrorism xvii:4, pp. 181-98.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Europe and its returning foreign fighters: Overview of the policy response', in F. Capone, C. Paulussen, R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds), Retuning foreign fighters: Responses, legal challenges and ways forward (The Hague: Asser Press, Springer), pp. 9-32.
RENARD T. with Amin Boutaghane and Giuseppina Ricevuto (2023) Discussion Paper: Tailor-Made Support Service to Albania regarding Fusion Centres', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
PISOIU D. and T. RENARD (2022) Manual for Responses to returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families (2nd Edition), RAN Manual, Brussels: Radicalisation Awareness Network, December 2022.
Loertscher S., Ingleson C., Fonseca A., Norlen T., Renard T., Gallo A. & Stephenson R. (2022) 'Developing an enduring role for NATO’s fight
against terrorism', Defence Studies 22:3, pp. 541-47.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Best practices identified in prison-based DDR, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), June 2022.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Disengagement, rehabilitation, and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters: Country profile - Belgium, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), March 2022.
RENARD T. (2021) ‘Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy: Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research’, Perspectives on Terrorism 15:4, pp. 2-10.
RENARD T. (2021) 'The evolution of the policy response to jihadi returnees in Europe (2012-2020)', in C. Höhn, I. Saavedra, A. Weyembergh (eds), La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Brussels: Bruylant.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Conclusions: The rise and fall of an idea', in L. Ferreira-Pereira and M. Smith (eds), The European Union's Strategic Partnerships: Global diplomacy in a contested world, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Nature).
COOK J., T. Renard, N. Kivioja, M. Morau, A. Mapelli, S. Koller and Vera Dittmar (2021) 'Professional Trainings for Dealing with Child Returnees: Current EU Experiences and Practices', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
MEHRA T., M. Wentworth, T. Renard, A. von Rosenbach, J. Saraainen, J., M. Morau and A. Mapelli (2021) 'Management of Child Returnees in the EU: An Overview of Existing Policies, Lessons Learned from some Adjacent Fields, and Guidelines for a mid-term and long-term Perspective', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
RENARD T. (2021) 'Consolidated Overview Paper: Good Practices in the Management of Male and Female Returnees', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
RENARD T. (2020) Contribution au Rapport annuel (2019-2020) du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), November 2020, pp. 144-5.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020) 'From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive', Security Policy Brief 130, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Extremist offenders management in Belgium', in R. Basra and P. Neumann (eds), Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports, London: ICSR.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace', International Affairs 96:3 (May), pp. 749-66. (
RENARD T. (2020). 'Overblown: Exploring the Gap Between the Fear of Terrorist Recidivism and the Evidence', CTC Sentinel 13:4 (April), pp. 19-29.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Commentary, Milan: ISPI, 9 January.
RENARD T. (2019). 'Returnees in the Maghreb. A European perspective', Security Policy Brief 120, Brussels: Egmont Institute, December.
RENARD T. (2019). Challenges of radicalisation in prison, Speech at the United Nations Security Council, Arria meeting on radicalisation in prison, NYC, 12 November. watch the video here.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2019). New figures on European nationals detained in Syria and Iraq, Research Note, Brussels: Egmont Institute, 15 October.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2019). Losing control over returnees?, Lawfare, 13 October.
RENARD T. and WOELKNER S. (2019). 'Introduction and key findings: Transparency and humility needed', in RENARD T. (ed.) (2019). Returnees in the Maghreb: Comparing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, Egmont Paper 107, Brussels: Egmont Institute, April, pp. 4-7.
RENARD T. (2019) 'Jihadi veterans in the Maghreb: Lessons from the past and challenges for tomorrow', in RENARD T. (ed.) (2019). Returnees in the Maghreb: Comparing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, Egmont Paper 107, Brussels: Egmont Institute, April, pp. 49-57.
RENARD T. (2019). Les enjeux de la Data Revolution au coeur des études du terrorisme, Insight #7 (Bruxelles: Organe de Coordination et d'Analyse de la Menace, OCAM), March, pp. 13-15. [reproduced with the authorisation of the Coordination Unit for the Threat Analysis -04/03]
RENARD T. (2019). Edito, Insight #7 (Bruxelles: Organe de Coordination et d'Analyse de la Menace, OCAM), March, p. 3.
RENARD T. (2019). De uitdaging van de Data Revolution staat centraal in de terrorismstudies, Insight #7 (Brussel: Orgaan voor de Coördinatie en de Analyse van de Dreiging, OCAD), March, pp. 13-15. [reproduced with the authorisation of the Coordination Unit for the Threat Analysis -04/03]
RENARD T. (2019). Voorwoord, Insight #7 (Brussel: Orgaan voor de Coördinatie en de Analyse van de Dreiging, OCAD), March, p. 3.
RENARD T. and A. BARRINHA (2018). 'The EU as a partner in cyber diplomacy and defence', in J. Rehrl (ed), ESDC Handbook on Cybersecurity, Vienna: Federal Ministry of Defence of Austria, pp. 186-95.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). 'Children in the Levant: Insights from Belgium on the dilemmas of repatriation and the challenges of reintegration', Security Policy Brief 98, Brussels: Egmont Institute, July.
RENARD T. (2018). 'How to handle returning foreign fighters: policies and challenges,' Testimony to the Special Committee on Terrorism of the European Parliament, 24 April.
RENARD T. (2018). "Le traitement des returnees. Entre éthique, loi et sécuritaire", Entretien avec Nathalie Caprioli, Agenda Interculturel 339 (March), pp. 10-13.
RENARD T. (2018), 'Terrorism and counterterrorism in Europe in 2017', in I. Kfir, S. Patel and M. Batt (eds), Counterterrorism Yearbook 2018, Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), pp. 129-39.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018), 'From the Kingdom to the Caliphate and Back: Returnees in Belgium', in RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (eds), Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Egmont Paper 101, Brussels: Egmont Institute, February, pp. 19-40.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018), 'Conclusion: Converging Policies on Returnees and Key Challenges Ahead', in RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (eds), Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Egmont Paper 101, Brussels: Egmont Institute, February, pp. 71-76.
RENARD T. (2018), 'EU cyber partnerships: Assessing the EU strategic partnerships with third countries in the cyber domain', European Politics and Society, 19(3), pp.321-37,
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2017). 'Cyber-diplomacy: the making of an international society in the digital age', Global Affairs, 3(4-5), pp. 353-64
2019 Best article in Global Affairs Award, awarded by the European International Studies Association (EISA)
RENARD T. (2017). 'Business vs security: the conundrum of Chinese investments in Belgium', in J. Seaman (ed), Chinese Investment in Europe: A Country-Level Approach, Paris: IFRI/ETNC, December.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Facing the evolving jihadi threat in Europe', Clingendael Spectator, 19 September.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Les filières djihadistes en Belgique: du défi sécuritaire au défi structurel', Diplomatie, #87, July/August.
RENARD T. (2017). Europe's "new" jihad: Homegrown, leaderless, virtual, Security Policy Brief 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, July.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Terrorism and Counterterrorism in continental Europe', in Jacinta Carroll (ed), Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017, Canberra: Australia Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).
RENARD T. (2016). 'Bilateral, European and global: the 3 external layers of Belgium’s counterterrorism policy', in RENARD T. (ed) with Sophie André, Elke Devroe, Nils Duquet, France Lemeunier, Paul Ponsaers and Vincent Seron, Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options, Egmont Paper 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Introduction: the need for debate', in RENARD T. (ed) with Sophie André, Elke Devroe, Nils Duquet, France Lemeunier, Paul Ponsaers and Vincent Seron, Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options, Egmont Paper 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2016). Fear Not: a critical perspective on the terrorist threat in Europe, Security Policy Brief 77, Brussels: Egmont Institute, September.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Introduction: A fragmented external policy', Studia Diplomatica, vol LXVIII(2).
RENARD T. (2016). 'Partnering for Global Security: The EU, Its Strategic Partners and Transnational Security Challenges', European Foreign Affairs Review, 21(1), pp. 9-34.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Partnerships for effective multilateralism? Assessing the compatibility between EU bilateralism, (inter-)regionalism and multilateralism', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), March, pp. 18-35. (DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1060691).
Also available from Routledge here:
RENARD T. (2015). 'Terreuralarm in Europa: naar een alomvattende aanpak van een massale dreiging', Internationale Spectator, 10(69), December.
RENARD T. (2015). 'The EU strategic partnerships with emerging powers', in Strategic Partnership as an Instrument of EU Foreign Policy, Workshop Report, November.
RENARD T. (2015). The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): China’s new multilateralism and the erosion of the West, Security Policy Brief 63, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, April.
RENARD T. (2014). The rise of cyber-diplomacy: the EU, its strategic partners and cyber-security, ESPO Working Paper 7, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO), June.
RENARD T. (2014). "De strategische partnerschappen van de EU: work in progress", Internationale Spectator, 68:6, June 2014, pp. 16-19.
RENARD T. (2014). Partners in crime? The EU, its strategic partners and international organised crime, ESPO Working Paper 5, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO), May.
RENARD T. (2014). The European Union: a new security actor?, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2014/45, European University Institute, May.
RENARD T. (2014). "Strategic partners", in J. Rehrl (ed), The ESDC Handbook for Decision-Makers, Vienna: Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, pp. 26-30.
RENARD T. (2014). "Strategic Prudence: The European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization", in IPRI/HSF, SCO's role in regional stability: prospects of its expansion (Islamabad: IPRI), pp. 38-51.
RENARD T. (2014). Confidential partnerships? The EU, its strategic partners and international terrorism, ESPO Working Paper 4, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, January.
RENARD T. (2013). Partnering for a nuclear-safe world: the EU, its strategic partners and nuclear non-proliferation, ESPO Working Paper 3, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, October.
HOLSLAG J., RENARD T. (2013). Getting our way in a fragmented world: How a more competitive world order challenges our society to get its act together, A report to the King Baudouin Foundation, April. [Also available in French and Ducth]
BALFOUR R., BISCOP S., EMERSON M., ISLAM S., MAURER A., RENARD T. (2013). After the crisis: Some thoughts on a global EU – or how to turn a crisis into regeneration, Briefing, Brussels Think Tank Dialogue, April.
RENARD T. (2013). "Strategic Bilateralism or Effective Multilateralism? The EU, the SCO and SAARC", in T. Christiansen, E. Kirchner and P. Murray (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 359-375.
RENARD T. and G. GREVI (2012). "Introduction", in G. GREVI and T. RENARD (eds), Hot Issues, Cold Shoulders, Lukewarm Partners: EU Strategic Partnerships and Climate Change, ESPO Report 2, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, November.
GREVI G. and T. RENARD (2012). "Introduction", in G. GREVI and T. RENARD (eds), Partners in Crisis: EU Strategic Partnerships and the Global Economic Downturn, ESPO Report 1, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, November.
RENARD T. (2012). "Vers un monde multipolaire ? Perspectives économiques, commerciales et politiques sur l’émergence des BRIC", in T. DE WILDE and T. STRUYE (eds), La Chine sur la scène internationale: Vers une puissance responsable?, Brussels: Peter Lang.
RENARD T. (2012). "EU Counterterrorism Policies and Institutions after the Lisbon Treaty", Policy Brief, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, September.
LARIONOVA M. and RENARD T. (2012). "The European Union in the G20", in M. Larionova (ed.), The European Union in the G8: Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. (2012). "The EU and its Strategic Partners: A Critical Assessment of the EU’s Strategic Partnerships", in S. Biscop and R. Whitman (eds), The Routledge Handbook on European Security, Abingdon: Routledge.
RENARD T. (2012). "The EU Strategic Partnerships Review: Ten Guiding Principles", ESPO Brief 2, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, April.
RENARD T. (2012). "A Multipolar World in the Making", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. and S. BISCOP. (2012). "Conclusion: From Global Disorder to an Effective Multilateral Order: An Agenda for the EU", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. and S. BISCOP. (2012). "Introduction", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. (2012). "En Quête de Stratégie: L'UE et les Partenariats Stratégiques", in S. Santander (dir.), Puissances Emergentes: Un Défi pour l'Europe?, Paris: Ellipses. See table of contents and/or order the book (€22)
RENARD T. (2011). "The Treachery of Strategies: A Call for True EU Strategic Partnerships", International Organisations Research Journal, 35(4), 92-117. [article in Russian]. This article is an update and translation of Egmont Paper 45.
RENARD T. and T. STRUYE DE SWIELANDE. (2011). "Introduction", Studia Diplomatica, LXIV(3), 3-5.
RENARD T. (2011). "High politics in the 'Grand Area' - Can Europeans have global impact in a multipolar age?", Strategic Snapshot 3, Group on Grand Strategy, December.
RENARD T. (2011). "The Treachery of Strategies: A Call for True EU Strategic Partnerships", Chinese Journal of European Studies, 29(5), 13-39. [article in Chinese]. This article is an update and translation of Egmont Paper 45. This article was selected for reprint by the influential Chinese Social Science Digest (ZhongGuo SheHui KeXue WenZhai).
RENARD T. (2011). "EU-China in the G20: Convergences and Divergences", in Zhou Hong and Pierre Defraigne (eds), EU-China: Close Cooperation on the Multilateral Agenda, Joint European and Chinese Study on Multilateralism (EU-China Policy Dialogues Support Facility), July.
RENARD T. HOOIJMAAIJERS B. (2011). "Assessing the EU's Strategic Partnerships in the UN System". Security Policy Brief 24, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, May.
RENARD T. (2011). "Libya and the Post-American World: Implications for the EU", Security Policy Brief 20, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, April.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. (2011). "The Strategic Union: Rising to the Multipolar Challenge", in MÖLLER A. PARKES R. What the EU did next, pp. 11-14.
RENARD T. (2011). "Le Syndrome de Copenhague", Les Cahiers Thématiques de la Revue Défense Nationale, Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, January, pp. 189-195.
RENARD T. (2010). "G20: Towards a New World Order", Studia Diplomatica, vol. LXIII:2, pp. 7-21.
RENARD T. (2010). "What, where and who will be important in security in 2011?", NATO Review, Edition 8.
RENARD T. (2010). "EU Strategic Partnerships: Evolution of a Concept, from Amsterdam to Lisbon", EU-China Observer, Issue 5, pp. 16-22.
RENARD T. (2010). "Strategy Wanted: The European Union and Strategic Partnerships", Security Policy Brief 13, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, September.
RENARD T. (2010). "Terrorism and Other Transnational Threats in the Sahel: What Role for the EU?", Policy Brief, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation Policy, September.
RENARD T. (2010). "Le Syndrome de Copenhague", Revue Défense Nationale, n°731, June, pp. 155-161.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2010). "The European Union as a Security Actor: Cooperative Multilateralism", Security and Human Rights, vol. 21:1, pp.12-17.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2010). "A Need for Strategy in a Multipolar World: Recommendations to the EU after Lisbon", Security Policy Brief 5, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, January.
RENARD T., STRUYE DE SWIELANDE T. (2009). "Afghanistan : une guerre stratégique pour l’Europe, un conflit existentiel pour l’OTAN", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), n°53, Novembre, pp. 28-31.
RENARD T. (2009). "Défense Européenne, La Grande Illusion [European Defence, The Great Illusion] - Book Review", European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 14:4, pp. 624-626.
BISCOP S. (ed.). (2009). "The value of power, the power of values: a call for an EU Grand Strategy", Egmont Paper 33, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, October.
RENARD T. (2009). "Un climat de terreur : impacts potentiels du changement climatique sur le terrorisme", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), Hors-Série n°8, octobre-novembre, pp. 36-39.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2009). "Strategisch partnerschap tussen de EU en de BRICs: waar is de strategie?", Internationale Spectator, 63(10), pp. 514-516.
RENARD T. (2009). "A BRIC in the World: Emerging Powers, Europe, and the Coming Order", Egmont Paper 31, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, October.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2009). "The EU's Strategic Partnerships with the BRIC: Where's the Strategy?", BEPA Monthly Brief, issue 29, September, pp. 6-8.
RENARD T. (2009). "Une stratégie de bon sens. Engager l’Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai dans la lutte contre le narcotrafic", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), n°48, mai, pp. 38-41.
RENARD T. (2009). "Europol report describes Afghanistan-Pakistan connection to trends in European Terrorism", Terrorism Monitor, Vol VII, n°12 (8 May 2009).
RENARD T. (2009). "The Coming Order: Strategic and Geopolitical Impacts of the Economic Crisis", World Politics Review, vol. 1:3, pp. 47-50.
RENARD T. (2009). "Djihad en Allemagne: La Connexion Ouzbèke", Les Cahiers du RMES, vol. 5:2 (Winter), pp. 15-48.
RENARD T. (2008). "Europol Reveals Trends in Jihadi Terrorism in Europe", in Andrew McGregor (ed.), Unmasking Terror Volume IV: A Global Review of Terrorist Activities, Washington: Jamestown Foundation, pp. 403-406.
RENARD T. (2008). "Between Clausewitz and Mao: Dynamic Evolutions of the Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2008)", Small Wars Journal, October.
RENARD T. (2008). “AQIM’s Offensive Reveals Shift from Insurgency to Terrorist Tactics in Algeria”, Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:18 (September 22).
RENARD T. (2008). "Heated Terror: Exploration of the Possible Impacts of Climate Change on the Causes and the Targets of Terrorism", Les Cahiers du RMES, vol. 5:1 (Summer).
RENARD T. (2008). "Entre Clausewitz et Mao: Evolution Dynamique de l'Insurrection et de la Contre-Insurrection en Irak (2003-2008)", Défense et Sécurité Internationale, n°39, Juillet-Août.
RENARD T. (2008). "Restructuring al-Qaeda’s Algerian Insurgency", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:29 (August 5).
RENARD T. (2008). "Moroccan Crackdown on Salafiya Jihadiya Recruitment of Fighters for Iraq", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:27 (July 23).
RENARD T. (2008). "Kurdish Activism in Europe: Terrorism versus Europeanization", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:13 (June 26).
RENARD T. (2008). "PJAK in Northern Iraq: Tangled Interests and Proxy Wars", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:10 (May 15).
RENARD T. (2008). "Europol Reveals Trends in Jihadi Terrorism in Europe", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:9 (May 1).
RENARD T. (2008). "Police Raids Uncover al-Qaeda’s Parallel World in Turkey", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:15 (April 16).
RENARD T. (2008). "Presence of Turkish Terrorists in Belgium Leads to Dispute with Ankara", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:13 (April 1).
RENARD T. (2008). "Morocco Charges Cooperation Between Terrorists and Organized Crime", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:9 (March 4).
RENARD T. (2008). "German Intelligence Describes a “New Quality” in Jihadi Threats", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:7 (February 20).
RENARD T. (2008). "Belgium and the Netherlands Ring in the New Year under the Shadow of Terrorism", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:2 (January 15).
RENARD T. (2007). "Climate Change and International Security: Understanding a Complex Relationship in Order to Forecast Future Conflicts (2007-2030)", Report for the Assistant Chief of Staff Strategy, Belgian Armed Forces, July.
SCHMID A.P., T. RENARD, J.J.F. FOREST, I. SINGH (2023) 'A Look at the State of Research on [Counter-] Terrorism and Violent Extremism', Perspectives on Terrorism xvii:4, pp. 181-98.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Europe and its returning foreign fighters: Overview of the policy response', in F. Capone, C. Paulussen, R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds), Retuning foreign fighters: Responses, legal challenges and ways forward (The Hague: Asser Press, Springer), pp. 9-32.
RENARD T. with Amin Boutaghane and Giuseppina Ricevuto (2023) Discussion Paper: Tailor-Made Support Service to Albania regarding Fusion Centres', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
PISOIU D. and T. RENARD (2022) Manual for Responses to returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families (2nd Edition), RAN Manual, Brussels: Radicalisation Awareness Network, December 2022.
Loertscher S., Ingleson C., Fonseca A., Norlen T., Renard T., Gallo A. & Stephenson R. (2022) 'Developing an enduring role for NATO’s fight
against terrorism', Defence Studies 22:3, pp. 541-47.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Best practices identified in prison-based DDR, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), June 2022.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Disengagement, rehabilitation, and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters: Country profile - Belgium, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), March 2022.
RENARD T. (2021) ‘Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy: Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research’, Perspectives on Terrorism 15:4, pp. 2-10.
RENARD T. (2021) 'The evolution of the policy response to jihadi returnees in Europe (2012-2020)', in C. Höhn, I. Saavedra, A. Weyembergh (eds), La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Brussels: Bruylant.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Conclusions: The rise and fall of an idea', in L. Ferreira-Pereira and M. Smith (eds), The European Union's Strategic Partnerships: Global diplomacy in a contested world, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Nature).
COOK J., T. Renard, N. Kivioja, M. Morau, A. Mapelli, S. Koller and Vera Dittmar (2021) 'Professional Trainings for Dealing with Child Returnees: Current EU Experiences and Practices', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
MEHRA T., M. Wentworth, T. Renard, A. von Rosenbach, J. Saraainen, J., M. Morau and A. Mapelli (2021) 'Management of Child Returnees in the EU: An Overview of Existing Policies, Lessons Learned from some Adjacent Fields, and Guidelines for a mid-term and long-term Perspective', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
RENARD T. (2021) 'Consolidated Overview Paper: Good Practices in the Management of Male and Female Returnees', RAN Policy Support, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Sensitive]
RENARD T. (2020) Contribution au Rapport annuel (2019-2020) du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), November 2020, pp. 144-5.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020) 'From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive', Security Policy Brief 130, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Extremist offenders management in Belgium', in R. Basra and P. Neumann (eds), Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports, London: ICSR.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace', International Affairs 96:3 (May), pp. 749-66. (
RENARD T. (2020). 'Overblown: Exploring the Gap Between the Fear of Terrorist Recidivism and the Evidence', CTC Sentinel 13:4 (April), pp. 19-29.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Commentary, Milan: ISPI, 9 January.
RENARD T. (2019). 'Returnees in the Maghreb. A European perspective', Security Policy Brief 120, Brussels: Egmont Institute, December.
RENARD T. (2019). Challenges of radicalisation in prison, Speech at the United Nations Security Council, Arria meeting on radicalisation in prison, NYC, 12 November. watch the video here.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2019). New figures on European nationals detained in Syria and Iraq, Research Note, Brussels: Egmont Institute, 15 October.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2019). Losing control over returnees?, Lawfare, 13 October.
RENARD T. and WOELKNER S. (2019). 'Introduction and key findings: Transparency and humility needed', in RENARD T. (ed.) (2019). Returnees in the Maghreb: Comparing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, Egmont Paper 107, Brussels: Egmont Institute, April, pp. 4-7.
RENARD T. (2019) 'Jihadi veterans in the Maghreb: Lessons from the past and challenges for tomorrow', in RENARD T. (ed.) (2019). Returnees in the Maghreb: Comparing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, Egmont Paper 107, Brussels: Egmont Institute, April, pp. 49-57.
RENARD T. (2019). Les enjeux de la Data Revolution au coeur des études du terrorisme, Insight #7 (Bruxelles: Organe de Coordination et d'Analyse de la Menace, OCAM), March, pp. 13-15. [reproduced with the authorisation of the Coordination Unit for the Threat Analysis -04/03]
RENARD T. (2019). Edito, Insight #7 (Bruxelles: Organe de Coordination et d'Analyse de la Menace, OCAM), March, p. 3.
RENARD T. (2019). De uitdaging van de Data Revolution staat centraal in de terrorismstudies, Insight #7 (Brussel: Orgaan voor de Coördinatie en de Analyse van de Dreiging, OCAD), March, pp. 13-15. [reproduced with the authorisation of the Coordination Unit for the Threat Analysis -04/03]
RENARD T. (2019). Voorwoord, Insight #7 (Brussel: Orgaan voor de Coördinatie en de Analyse van de Dreiging, OCAD), March, p. 3.
RENARD T. and A. BARRINHA (2018). 'The EU as a partner in cyber diplomacy and defence', in J. Rehrl (ed), ESDC Handbook on Cybersecurity, Vienna: Federal Ministry of Defence of Austria, pp. 186-95.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018). 'Children in the Levant: Insights from Belgium on the dilemmas of repatriation and the challenges of reintegration', Security Policy Brief 98, Brussels: Egmont Institute, July.
RENARD T. (2018). 'How to handle returning foreign fighters: policies and challenges,' Testimony to the Special Committee on Terrorism of the European Parliament, 24 April.
RENARD T. (2018). "Le traitement des returnees. Entre éthique, loi et sécuritaire", Entretien avec Nathalie Caprioli, Agenda Interculturel 339 (March), pp. 10-13.
RENARD T. (2018), 'Terrorism and counterterrorism in Europe in 2017', in I. Kfir, S. Patel and M. Batt (eds), Counterterrorism Yearbook 2018, Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), pp. 129-39.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2018), 'From the Kingdom to the Caliphate and Back: Returnees in Belgium', in RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (eds), Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Egmont Paper 101, Brussels: Egmont Institute, February, pp. 19-40.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2018), 'Conclusion: Converging Policies on Returnees and Key Challenges Ahead', in RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (eds), Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Egmont Paper 101, Brussels: Egmont Institute, February, pp. 71-76.
RENARD T. (2018), 'EU cyber partnerships: Assessing the EU strategic partnerships with third countries in the cyber domain', European Politics and Society, 19(3), pp.321-37,
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2017). 'Cyber-diplomacy: the making of an international society in the digital age', Global Affairs, 3(4-5), pp. 353-64
2019 Best article in Global Affairs Award, awarded by the European International Studies Association (EISA)
RENARD T. (2017). 'Business vs security: the conundrum of Chinese investments in Belgium', in J. Seaman (ed), Chinese Investment in Europe: A Country-Level Approach, Paris: IFRI/ETNC, December.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Facing the evolving jihadi threat in Europe', Clingendael Spectator, 19 September.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Les filières djihadistes en Belgique: du défi sécuritaire au défi structurel', Diplomatie, #87, July/August.
RENARD T. (2017). Europe's "new" jihad: Homegrown, leaderless, virtual, Security Policy Brief 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, July.
RENARD T. (2017). 'Terrorism and Counterterrorism in continental Europe', in Jacinta Carroll (ed), Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017, Canberra: Australia Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).
RENARD T. (2016). 'Bilateral, European and global: the 3 external layers of Belgium’s counterterrorism policy', in RENARD T. (ed) with Sophie André, Elke Devroe, Nils Duquet, France Lemeunier, Paul Ponsaers and Vincent Seron, Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options, Egmont Paper 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Introduction: the need for debate', in RENARD T. (ed) with Sophie André, Elke Devroe, Nils Duquet, France Lemeunier, Paul Ponsaers and Vincent Seron, Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options, Egmont Paper 89, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2016). Fear Not: a critical perspective on the terrorist threat in Europe, Security Policy Brief 77, Brussels: Egmont Institute, September.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Introduction: A fragmented external policy', Studia Diplomatica, vol LXVIII(2).
RENARD T. (2016). 'Partnering for Global Security: The EU, Its Strategic Partners and Transnational Security Challenges', European Foreign Affairs Review, 21(1), pp. 9-34.
RENARD T. (2016). 'Partnerships for effective multilateralism? Assessing the compatibility between EU bilateralism, (inter-)regionalism and multilateralism', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), March, pp. 18-35. (DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1060691).
Also available from Routledge here:
RENARD T. (2015). 'Terreuralarm in Europa: naar een alomvattende aanpak van een massale dreiging', Internationale Spectator, 10(69), December.
RENARD T. (2015). 'The EU strategic partnerships with emerging powers', in Strategic Partnership as an Instrument of EU Foreign Policy, Workshop Report, November.
RENARD T. (2015). The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): China’s new multilateralism and the erosion of the West, Security Policy Brief 63, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, April.
RENARD T. (2014). The rise of cyber-diplomacy: the EU, its strategic partners and cyber-security, ESPO Working Paper 7, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO), June.
RENARD T. (2014). "De strategische partnerschappen van de EU: work in progress", Internationale Spectator, 68:6, June 2014, pp. 16-19.
RENARD T. (2014). Partners in crime? The EU, its strategic partners and international organised crime, ESPO Working Paper 5, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO), May.
RENARD T. (2014). The European Union: a new security actor?, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2014/45, European University Institute, May.
RENARD T. (2014). "Strategic partners", in J. Rehrl (ed), The ESDC Handbook for Decision-Makers, Vienna: Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, pp. 26-30.
RENARD T. (2014). "Strategic Prudence: The European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization", in IPRI/HSF, SCO's role in regional stability: prospects of its expansion (Islamabad: IPRI), pp. 38-51.
RENARD T. (2014). Confidential partnerships? The EU, its strategic partners and international terrorism, ESPO Working Paper 4, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, January.
RENARD T. (2013). Partnering for a nuclear-safe world: the EU, its strategic partners and nuclear non-proliferation, ESPO Working Paper 3, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, October.
HOLSLAG J., RENARD T. (2013). Getting our way in a fragmented world: How a more competitive world order challenges our society to get its act together, A report to the King Baudouin Foundation, April. [Also available in French and Ducth]
BALFOUR R., BISCOP S., EMERSON M., ISLAM S., MAURER A., RENARD T. (2013). After the crisis: Some thoughts on a global EU – or how to turn a crisis into regeneration, Briefing, Brussels Think Tank Dialogue, April.
RENARD T. (2013). "Strategic Bilateralism or Effective Multilateralism? The EU, the SCO and SAARC", in T. Christiansen, E. Kirchner and P. Murray (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 359-375.
RENARD T. and G. GREVI (2012). "Introduction", in G. GREVI and T. RENARD (eds), Hot Issues, Cold Shoulders, Lukewarm Partners: EU Strategic Partnerships and Climate Change, ESPO Report 2, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, November.
GREVI G. and T. RENARD (2012). "Introduction", in G. GREVI and T. RENARD (eds), Partners in Crisis: EU Strategic Partnerships and the Global Economic Downturn, ESPO Report 1, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, November.
RENARD T. (2012). "Vers un monde multipolaire ? Perspectives économiques, commerciales et politiques sur l’émergence des BRIC", in T. DE WILDE and T. STRUYE (eds), La Chine sur la scène internationale: Vers une puissance responsable?, Brussels: Peter Lang.
RENARD T. (2012). "EU Counterterrorism Policies and Institutions after the Lisbon Treaty", Policy Brief, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, September.
LARIONOVA M. and RENARD T. (2012). "The European Union in the G20", in M. Larionova (ed.), The European Union in the G8: Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. (2012). "The EU and its Strategic Partners: A Critical Assessment of the EU’s Strategic Partnerships", in S. Biscop and R. Whitman (eds), The Routledge Handbook on European Security, Abingdon: Routledge.
RENARD T. (2012). "The EU Strategic Partnerships Review: Ten Guiding Principles", ESPO Brief 2, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, April.
RENARD T. (2012). "A Multipolar World in the Making", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. and S. BISCOP. (2012). "Conclusion: From Global Disorder to an Effective Multilateral Order: An Agenda for the EU", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. and S. BISCOP. (2012). "Introduction", in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate.
RENARD T. (2012). "En Quête de Stratégie: L'UE et les Partenariats Stratégiques", in S. Santander (dir.), Puissances Emergentes: Un Défi pour l'Europe?, Paris: Ellipses. See table of contents and/or order the book (€22)
RENARD T. (2011). "The Treachery of Strategies: A Call for True EU Strategic Partnerships", International Organisations Research Journal, 35(4), 92-117. [article in Russian]. This article is an update and translation of Egmont Paper 45.
RENARD T. and T. STRUYE DE SWIELANDE. (2011). "Introduction", Studia Diplomatica, LXIV(3), 3-5.
RENARD T. (2011). "High politics in the 'Grand Area' - Can Europeans have global impact in a multipolar age?", Strategic Snapshot 3, Group on Grand Strategy, December.
RENARD T. (2011). "The Treachery of Strategies: A Call for True EU Strategic Partnerships", Chinese Journal of European Studies, 29(5), 13-39. [article in Chinese]. This article is an update and translation of Egmont Paper 45. This article was selected for reprint by the influential Chinese Social Science Digest (ZhongGuo SheHui KeXue WenZhai).
RENARD T. (2011). "EU-China in the G20: Convergences and Divergences", in Zhou Hong and Pierre Defraigne (eds), EU-China: Close Cooperation on the Multilateral Agenda, Joint European and Chinese Study on Multilateralism (EU-China Policy Dialogues Support Facility), July.
RENARD T. HOOIJMAAIJERS B. (2011). "Assessing the EU's Strategic Partnerships in the UN System". Security Policy Brief 24, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, May.
RENARD T. (2011). "Libya and the Post-American World: Implications for the EU", Security Policy Brief 20, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, April.
RENARD T. BISCOP S. (2011). "The Strategic Union: Rising to the Multipolar Challenge", in MÖLLER A. PARKES R. What the EU did next, pp. 11-14.
RENARD T. (2011). "Le Syndrome de Copenhague", Les Cahiers Thématiques de la Revue Défense Nationale, Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, January, pp. 189-195.
RENARD T. (2010). "G20: Towards a New World Order", Studia Diplomatica, vol. LXIII:2, pp. 7-21.
RENARD T. (2010). "What, where and who will be important in security in 2011?", NATO Review, Edition 8.
RENARD T. (2010). "EU Strategic Partnerships: Evolution of a Concept, from Amsterdam to Lisbon", EU-China Observer, Issue 5, pp. 16-22.
RENARD T. (2010). "Strategy Wanted: The European Union and Strategic Partnerships", Security Policy Brief 13, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, September.
RENARD T. (2010). "Terrorism and Other Transnational Threats in the Sahel: What Role for the EU?", Policy Brief, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation Policy, September.
RENARD T. (2010). "Le Syndrome de Copenhague", Revue Défense Nationale, n°731, June, pp. 155-161.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2010). "The European Union as a Security Actor: Cooperative Multilateralism", Security and Human Rights, vol. 21:1, pp.12-17.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2010). "A Need for Strategy in a Multipolar World: Recommendations to the EU after Lisbon", Security Policy Brief 5, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, January.
RENARD T., STRUYE DE SWIELANDE T. (2009). "Afghanistan : une guerre stratégique pour l’Europe, un conflit existentiel pour l’OTAN", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), n°53, Novembre, pp. 28-31.
RENARD T. (2009). "Défense Européenne, La Grande Illusion [European Defence, The Great Illusion] - Book Review", European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 14:4, pp. 624-626.
BISCOP S. (ed.). (2009). "The value of power, the power of values: a call for an EU Grand Strategy", Egmont Paper 33, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, October.
RENARD T. (2009). "Un climat de terreur : impacts potentiels du changement climatique sur le terrorisme", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), Hors-Série n°8, octobre-novembre, pp. 36-39.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2009). "Strategisch partnerschap tussen de EU en de BRICs: waar is de strategie?", Internationale Spectator, 63(10), pp. 514-516.
RENARD T. (2009). "A BRIC in the World: Emerging Powers, Europe, and the Coming Order", Egmont Paper 31, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, October.
BISCOP S., RENARD T. (2009). "The EU's Strategic Partnerships with the BRIC: Where's the Strategy?", BEPA Monthly Brief, issue 29, September, pp. 6-8.
RENARD T. (2009). "Une stratégie de bon sens. Engager l’Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai dans la lutte contre le narcotrafic", Défense et Sécurité Internationale (DSI), n°48, mai, pp. 38-41.
RENARD T. (2009). "Europol report describes Afghanistan-Pakistan connection to trends in European Terrorism", Terrorism Monitor, Vol VII, n°12 (8 May 2009).
RENARD T. (2009). "The Coming Order: Strategic and Geopolitical Impacts of the Economic Crisis", World Politics Review, vol. 1:3, pp. 47-50.
RENARD T. (2009). "Djihad en Allemagne: La Connexion Ouzbèke", Les Cahiers du RMES, vol. 5:2 (Winter), pp. 15-48.
RENARD T. (2008). "Europol Reveals Trends in Jihadi Terrorism in Europe", in Andrew McGregor (ed.), Unmasking Terror Volume IV: A Global Review of Terrorist Activities, Washington: Jamestown Foundation, pp. 403-406.
RENARD T. (2008). "Between Clausewitz and Mao: Dynamic Evolutions of the Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2008)", Small Wars Journal, October.
RENARD T. (2008). “AQIM’s Offensive Reveals Shift from Insurgency to Terrorist Tactics in Algeria”, Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:18 (September 22).
RENARD T. (2008). "Heated Terror: Exploration of the Possible Impacts of Climate Change on the Causes and the Targets of Terrorism", Les Cahiers du RMES, vol. 5:1 (Summer).
RENARD T. (2008). "Entre Clausewitz et Mao: Evolution Dynamique de l'Insurrection et de la Contre-Insurrection en Irak (2003-2008)", Défense et Sécurité Internationale, n°39, Juillet-Août.
RENARD T. (2008). "Restructuring al-Qaeda’s Algerian Insurgency", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:29 (August 5).
RENARD T. (2008). "Moroccan Crackdown on Salafiya Jihadiya Recruitment of Fighters for Iraq", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:27 (July 23).
RENARD T. (2008). "Kurdish Activism in Europe: Terrorism versus Europeanization", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:13 (June 26).
RENARD T. (2008). "PJAK in Northern Iraq: Tangled Interests and Proxy Wars", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:10 (May 15).
RENARD T. (2008). "Europol Reveals Trends in Jihadi Terrorism in Europe", Terrorism Monitor, vol. 6:9 (May 1).
RENARD T. (2008). "Police Raids Uncover al-Qaeda’s Parallel World in Turkey", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:15 (April 16).
RENARD T. (2008). "Presence of Turkish Terrorists in Belgium Leads to Dispute with Ankara", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:13 (April 1).
RENARD T. (2008). "Morocco Charges Cooperation Between Terrorists and Organized Crime", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:9 (March 4).
RENARD T. (2008). "German Intelligence Describes a “New Quality” in Jihadi Threats", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:7 (February 20).
RENARD T. (2008). "Belgium and the Netherlands Ring in the New Year under the Shadow of Terrorism", Terrorism Focus, vol. 5:2 (January 15).
RENARD T. (2007). "Climate Change and International Security: Understanding a Complex Relationship in Order to Forecast Future Conflicts (2007-2030)", Report for the Assistant Chief of Staff Strategy, Belgian Armed Forces, July.