Latest Publications
RENARD T. and K. REKAWEK (2024) The Base, and the Basis for Listing Far-Right Terror Groups, ICCT Analysis, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 26 July.
REKAWEK K., T. RENARD and B. MOLAS (eds) (2024) Russia and the Far-Right: Insights from Ten European Countries, The Hague: ICCT Press.
MOLAS B., A. CRAANEN, S. TRIPODI, K. REKAWEK, T. RENARD (2024) Anti-Government Threats and their Transnational Connections, The Hague: ICCT.
MEHRA, T., T. RENARD and M. HERBACH, ed(s). Female Jihadis Facing Justice: Comparing Approaches in Europe. The Hague: ICCT Press 2024.
SCHMID A.P., T. RENARD, J.J.F. FOREST, I. SINGH (2023) 'A Look at the State of Research on [Counter-] Terrorism and Violent Extremism', Perspectives on Terrorism xvii:4, pp. 181-98.
RENARD T. and J. COOK (2023) 'Is the Israel-Hamas War Spilling Over Into Europe?', Lawfare, 5 December.
RENARD T. (2023) ‘Everyone is struggling to identify how to best respond to extremism’, Interview with Pascal Messer, TMC Asser Institute, 22 August.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Europe and its returning foreign fighters: Overview of the policy response', in F. Capone, C. Paulussen, R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds), Retuning foreign fighters: Responses, legal challenges and ways forward (The Hague: Asser Press, Springer), pp. 9-32.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Deconstructing Counterterrorism: What Has Worked and What More Needs To Be Done', European Eye on Radicalization (EER), 31 January.
PISOIU D. and T. RENARD (2022) Manual for Responses to returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families (2nd Edition), RAN Manual, Brussels: Radicalisation Awareness Network, December 2022.
Loertscher S., Ingleson C., Fonseca A., Norlen T., Renard T., Gallo A. & Stephenson R. (2022) 'Developing an enduring role for NATO’s fight
against terrorism', Defence Studies 22:3, pp. 541-47.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Best practices identified in prison-based DDR, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), June 2022.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Disengagement, rehabilitation, and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters: Country profile - Belgium, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), March 2022.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2022) What the Zeitgeist can Tell us About the Future of Terrorism, ICCT Perspective, The Hague: ICCT, 9 June.
RENARD T. (2021) The Evolution of Counter-Terrorism Since 9/11: Understanding the Paradigm Shift in Liberal Democracies, London: Routledge.
RENARD T. (2021) ‘Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy: Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research’, Perspectives on Terrorism 15:4, pp. 2-10.
RENARD T. (2021) 'The evolution of the policy response to jihadi returnees in Europe (2012-2020)', in C. Höhn, I. Saavedra, A. Weyembergh (eds), La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Brussels: Bruylant.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Il ne faut pas fusionner mais renforcer les renseignements', Le Soir, 2 June.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Conclusions: The rise and fall of an idea', in L. Ferreira-Pereira and M. Smith (eds), The European Union's Strategic Partnerships: Global diplomacy in a contested world, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Nature).
RENARD T. (2021) The caliphate’s legacy and fringe extremists, Commentary, ICCT, 18 February.
RENARD T. (2020) Contribution au Rapport annuel (2019-2020) du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), November 2020, pp. 144-5.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020) 'From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive', Security Policy Brief 130, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Extremist offenders management in Belgium', in R. Basra and P. Neumann (eds), Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports, London: ICSR.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Sur le rapatriement des enfants et des combattants belges en Syrie', Texte lu à la conférence de presse du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), Bruxelles, 3 July.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The Emergence of Cyber Diplomacy in an Increasingly Post-Liberal Cyberspace, Net Politics (CFR), 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The EU’s international politics of cyberspace in an emerging post-liberal order, Europe's World, 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace', International Affairs 96:3 (May), pp. 749-66. (
RENARD T. (2020). 'Overblown: Exploring the Gap Between the Fear of Terrorist Recidivism and the Evidence', CTC Sentinel 13:4 (April), pp. 19-29.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020). 'Faire juger nos djihadistes en Syrie : la fausse bonne idée', Le Soir, 26 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Belgische IS-strijders voor Koerdische rechtbanken: een oplossing die er geen is', De Morgen, 25 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Commentary, Milan: ISPI, 9 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Homeland Security Today, 11 January.
REKAWEK K., T. RENARD and B. MOLAS (eds) (2024) Russia and the Far-Right: Insights from Ten European Countries, The Hague: ICCT Press.
MOLAS B., A. CRAANEN, S. TRIPODI, K. REKAWEK, T. RENARD (2024) Anti-Government Threats and their Transnational Connections, The Hague: ICCT.
MEHRA, T., T. RENARD and M. HERBACH, ed(s). Female Jihadis Facing Justice: Comparing Approaches in Europe. The Hague: ICCT Press 2024.
SCHMID A.P., T. RENARD, J.J.F. FOREST, I. SINGH (2023) 'A Look at the State of Research on [Counter-] Terrorism and Violent Extremism', Perspectives on Terrorism xvii:4, pp. 181-98.
RENARD T. and J. COOK (2023) 'Is the Israel-Hamas War Spilling Over Into Europe?', Lawfare, 5 December.
RENARD T. (2023) ‘Everyone is struggling to identify how to best respond to extremism’, Interview with Pascal Messer, TMC Asser Institute, 22 August.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Europe and its returning foreign fighters: Overview of the policy response', in F. Capone, C. Paulussen, R. Mignot-Mahdavi (eds), Retuning foreign fighters: Responses, legal challenges and ways forward (The Hague: Asser Press, Springer), pp. 9-32.
RENARD T. (2023) 'Deconstructing Counterterrorism: What Has Worked and What More Needs To Be Done', European Eye on Radicalization (EER), 31 January.
PISOIU D. and T. RENARD (2022) Manual for Responses to returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families (2nd Edition), RAN Manual, Brussels: Radicalisation Awareness Network, December 2022.
Loertscher S., Ingleson C., Fonseca A., Norlen T., Renard T., Gallo A. & Stephenson R. (2022) 'Developing an enduring role for NATO’s fight
against terrorism', Defence Studies 22:3, pp. 541-47.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Best practices identified in prison-based DDR, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), June 2022.
VARGA R. and T. RENARD (2022) Disengagement, rehabilitation, and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters: Country profile - Belgium, DRIVE Report, Brussels: DRIVE on the right Path (EU project), March 2022.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2022) What the Zeitgeist can Tell us About the Future of Terrorism, ICCT Perspective, The Hague: ICCT, 9 June.
RENARD T. (2021) The Evolution of Counter-Terrorism Since 9/11: Understanding the Paradigm Shift in Liberal Democracies, London: Routledge.
RENARD T. (2021) ‘Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy: Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research’, Perspectives on Terrorism 15:4, pp. 2-10.
RENARD T. (2021) 'The evolution of the policy response to jihadi returnees in Europe (2012-2020)', in C. Höhn, I. Saavedra, A. Weyembergh (eds), La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Brussels: Bruylant.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Il ne faut pas fusionner mais renforcer les renseignements', Le Soir, 2 June.
RENARD T. (2021) 'Conclusions: The rise and fall of an idea', in L. Ferreira-Pereira and M. Smith (eds), The European Union's Strategic Partnerships: Global diplomacy in a contested world, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Nature).
RENARD T. (2021) The caliphate’s legacy and fringe extremists, Commentary, ICCT, 18 February.
RENARD T. (2020) Contribution au Rapport annuel (2019-2020) du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), November 2020, pp. 144-5.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020) 'From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive', Security Policy Brief 130, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Extremist offenders management in Belgium', in R. Basra and P. Neumann (eds), Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports, London: ICSR.
RENARD T. (2020) 'Sur le rapatriement des enfants et des combattants belges en Syrie', Texte lu à la conférence de presse du Délégué Général aux Droits de l'Enfant (DGDE), Bruxelles, 3 July.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The Emergence of Cyber Diplomacy in an Increasingly Post-Liberal Cyberspace, Net Politics (CFR), 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). The EU’s international politics of cyberspace in an emerging post-liberal order, Europe's World, 10 June.
BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace', International Affairs 96:3 (May), pp. 749-66. (
RENARD T. (2020). 'Overblown: Exploring the Gap Between the Fear of Terrorist Recidivism and the Evidence', CTC Sentinel 13:4 (April), pp. 19-29.
RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020). 'Faire juger nos djihadistes en Syrie : la fausse bonne idée', Le Soir, 26 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Belgische IS-strijders voor Koerdische rechtbanken: een oplossing die er geen is', De Morgen, 25 February.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Commentary, Milan: ISPI, 9 January.
COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). 'Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium', Homeland Security Today, 11 January.